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54考试网  发布时间:2020-10-09

  是成人高等学校招生统一考试的简称,属国民教育系列,国家承认学历,成人高考分为专科起点升本科(简称专升本) 、高中起点升本科(简称高起本)和高中起点升专科(简称高起专)三个层次。万考网为了帮助考生更好的备考,特别整理了成人高考高起点(英语)章节重点试题及答案等备考资料(资料内容来源于网络,仅供考生参考!),希望考生努力备考,网校在此预祝考生顺利通过考试!

  Ⅱ.Vocabulary and Structure(40 points)
  16. I want to be told all _______.
  A. which happen
  B. which happened
  C. that had happened
  D. that had been happened
  17. It ______ me of the country which we visited last summer.
  A. remembers
  B. recalls
  C. reminds
  D. tells
  18. These ______ did unusually well in the contest, so the judges didn’t know whom to give prize to.
  A. woman singers
  B. women singers
  C. women singer
  D. womans singers
  19. We’ve all heard of Thomas Edison, _______ who invented the electric light and many other things.
  A. man
  B. a man
  C. the man
  D. men
  20. Your answer is different ________ the teacher’s.
  A. to
  B. at
  C. from
  D. with
  21. It was a ________ room, with beautiful wall paper, waxed floor and nice furniture.
  A. pleased
  B. pleasant
  C. pleasing
  D. preasant
  22. He regretted _______the decision too hastily.
  A. make
  B. to make
  C. making
  D. have maked
  23. The professor insisted that we _______ our homework before next month.
  A. handed in
  B. will hand in
  C. hand in
  D. must hand in
  24. He _______ smoking at last.
  A. gave up
  B. gave out
  C. gave in
  D. gave off
  25. John was _______ he lay down for an hour before dinner.
  A. so tired as
  B. so tired that
  C. too tired that
  D. too tired so
  26. It would be _______ a risk to leave the baby alone.
  A. running
  B. passing
  C. carrying
  D. obeying
  27. The fact _______ his health is bad is not true.
  A. which
  B. that
  C. as
  D. what
  28. Man must stop _______ the earth’s atmosphere.
  A. filling
  B. wasting
  C. polluting
  D. blackening
  29. We can’t _______ another 100 kilometers any more.
  A. have
  B. turn
  C. make
  D. reach
  30. Is Mary ______ to join in us?
  A. supposed
  B. exposed
  C. supported
  D. indicated

